What's a pet store without the pets? Boring! While we don't always have every animal pictured, we aim to represent mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertibrates. Come on in and visit the zoo!
The Paw Shoppe also works with Long Beach Animal Care Services (LBACS) to host rescue cats and rabbits. The shelter cats, in particular, have been spayed/neutered and are up to date on vaccines based on their age and weight. Rescue rabbits have been spayed/neutered. An application in-store is required to be cleared with LBACS to adopt.
Contrary to popular belief, we do not have dogs or puppies. To find more rescue animals, including dogs, visit Long Beach Animal Care Services.
Note: To purchase pets customers must be at least 18 years old or be accompanied by an approving parent or guardian.
Live Food
If you need crickets, worms, mice, rats, feeder fish, and yes, roaches, then come on in! We are stocked twice weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Our official regular stock includes:
- crickets (small, medium, large)
- mealworms (small, giant, super)
- mice (pinkies, fuzzies, hoppers, adults)
- rats (small, medium, large)
- hornworms (also known as goliath worms)*
- dubia roaches
- feeder fish (small), usually pond comets or common goldfish
We can sometimes order fruitflies with advance notice.
Note: Live food customers must be at least 18 years old to purchase mice, rats, or fish, or have been identified as a regular authorized customer for these animals.
* This species is an agricultural pest. It is unlawful to release matured moths into the wild. Don't be naughty!
Q & A
Are animals guaranteed?
Paw Shoppe has a 24-hour guarantee on the animal's viability from time of purchase. The sex, health, or behavior of an animal cannot be guaranteed.
What is your return policy on animals?
We accept returns of all animals, for any reason, with original sales receipt within 24 hours of its purchase. Please note, that after 24 hours, acceptance of returned animals depends if we have space to house the animal again. After the 24 hour period, a refund is not guaranteed.
If you need to return an adopted rescue cat or rabbit, please call us first; it is likely that we can host the animal here at the shop again.
Do you take donated animals?
Yes, sometimes, if the animal is in good health and we have the facility to house it. By state law, we cannot accept donated dogs, cats, or rabbits. Paw Shoppe follows standard animal quarantine procedures for new livestock entering the store, especially birds, before they are put up for sale. Please note that a donated animal is a surrender; we do not buy pets.
I found a lost pet or need to find a home for a pet. What can I do?
If you are looking to home (not sell) an animal, you are welcome to post a flyer in our shop window with the following information: a description, a picture, and a way to contact you. We only keep flyers posted for 1 month.
Please also consider other online resources that will reach a broader audience.
What is a good first pet for my child?
Let's reinvent that question: What is a good first pet for our family?
Before you get a pet, do your homework. Consider the long term costs, the maintenance time, and is it age-appropriate for your child? (Can your child crush it or will the animal fight back? And, yes, most creatures can bite.) Most importantly, will all of you enjoy having this pet in your household?
Adults should have reasonable expectations for a child's sense of duty to their pets. Age and maturity level matters, and follow-up for pet care ultimately falls on adults in the household. If you have any doubts about your child's consistency in daily maintenance and handling, make a checklist, and follow-up! We use checklists daily at Paw Shoppe.
Now, since you asked, here are some recommendations:
- dog
- cat
- rat
- parakeet
- leopard gecko
- bearded dragon
- small snake (that stays small)
- frog or toad
I would like to adopt a rescue cat or rabbit in the shop. What do I need to do?
First, come in-person to fill out an adoption application and so that we can meet you. If the adoption requirements are satisfied, Paw Shoppe can approve you on the spot. An adoption fee will be charged at this time.
If there is additional approval required by LBACS, we will submit the application for review. There is no home visit required.
We can provide a disposable carrier, if you don't have one.
Note: We do not hold animals. Period. Once you been approved, please adopt the animal and take it home, otherwise we have to make the animal available for more applicants. Thank you.
How do I keep crickets alive?
If you need to store any quantity of crickets for feeding, put them in a smooth-sided plastic terrarium with a well-ventilated top. A plastic storage container is fine, as long as you poke holes in the top! Give them places to hide, such as separated egg carton or paper tubes. If there isn't enough space for each cricket, they will start to cannibalize each other!
Crickets need to be kept at a constant mild room temperature: 68-75°F. The garage is probably not a good place to house your crickets unless you can verify that it stays room-temperature year-round.
You can feed crickets oatmeal, carrots, potatoes, organic greens, crushed dog food, and commercial cricket diets. When feeding vegetables, replace them every day or two. Moldy produce will kill crickets!
Put a moistened paper towel in a very shallow dish, such as a yogurt lid, so they can't drown in open water. Change regularly.
Clean your cricket bin every two days. Tap all of the crickets off of the egg carton, remove food and water. With a wide, soft brush, sweep crickets and debris to one side. Replace the egg carton on the opposite end. The crickets, seeking darkness, will flock back to the egg carton. Remove the debris.
Once a week, move out the crickets and wash the container. Rinse well and dry. Put in fresh egg carton. Then rebuild your cricket habitat!
More Tips: Avoid using ammonia (Windex), bleach, or pesticides near your crickets. Keep them out of direct sunlight.